The announcement this week that former ’90s sitcom
Blossom star Mayim Bialik has signed on to play a recurring role on
Big Bang Theory (Mondays, 9:30 PM E.S.T.) reminded me of meeting the young star at an appearance I made as The Incredible Hulk at the fan festivities—known as FanFest—surrounding the NBA All-Star Game in Salt Lake City, Utah, in 1993.
Big Bang Theory centers around a quartet of übergeeks, all brilliant scientists, but utter social misfits, who love comics,
Star Trek, role-playing games, basically all things synonymous with nerds. Arguably the most popular of the four is Sheldon who is the geek equivalent of Michael Jordan. Bialik will play Sheldon’s love interest.
You don’t have to be a dork to enjoy
Big Bang Theory. Most everyone knows or knows
of someone like the characters, and Penny—the only regular female character who dates Leonard, another of the foursome who shares an apartment with Sheldon—offers a hilarious “normal” person counterpoint to the boys’ many obsessions.

I will reserve comment on Bialik’s impending role—one online critic described the maneuver as the show “jumping the shark”—instead taking a wait-and-see stance. The show’s writers haven’t disappointed yet, so I will give them the benefit of the doubt.
Meanwhile, as I continue to bail Casa Vroom!—a victim of the deluge that cursed the Eastern half of the country the past two days—I leave you with this photo of yours truly, going green, and the former
Blossom star, a most appropriate springtime pairing.
You look great in purple....
I bet you say that to all the gamma-irradiated green-skinned guys...
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